Product catalogs can be a vital part of the sales process of a company and you may be in need of an SAP B1 Product Catalog that can be generated on demand. A product catalog provides many benefits to companies in a variety of industries and can enable sales reps and other company sales associates to be more effective in bringing in sales. Until now, SAP B1 did not have a product catalog report. Let’s look at some of the benefits.
Sales Tool for Reps
Having a tool like a Product Catalog can come in very handy for a sales rep. It can provide a visual talking point when making sales calls that provides a reminder to the customer of all the products available from your company. The catalog can also help the rep remember which products to promote and allows her/him to show details about the product more effectively.
Customer Communication
The product catalog can also be used as a communication tool for customers. This report can be used to motivate customers to buy and also to inform them of products that are available and information about them. The catalog provides a great focus for discussion with a customer or simply as reason to maintain dialogue with them.
Enable Sales Offline
Some distributors prefer to send an Excel copy of the catalog to customers to show their product availability and motivate them to make purchases. The SAP B1 Product Catalog can easily be exported to Excel with the click of a button. The export displays in its original form with images and formatting. Customers can input the quantity they would like to order and return the catalog with those quantities.
The SAP B1 Product Catalog
Audaz provides a product catalog for SAP B1 which can easily be imported into your reporting menu. The report comes standard with the following attributes, but can be easily enhanced by the Audaz team to meet any specific needs.
- Product Code
- Product Description
- Product Image
- Price (see more below on pricing)
- Unit of Measure
- Bar Code
- Link (to store or more information such as larger image)
This report comes in two versions, both included with your download. The first can be imported and used immediately. The second only requires a user-defined field be added in SAP B1 in order to hold the URL that can be accessed by clicking on the image.

Not counting blanket agreements, SAP B1 has four major options for calculating prices and a handful of sub-options. All in all, there are over technically about 45 methods of computing in B1. Audaz’s Product Catalog for SAP B1 lets you choose to display the price of the price list assigned to the business partner, the lowest available price (looks at all discounts possible for this customer) or you can choose any price list in the system to utilize. Currently, less common methods, such as Highest Price, Lowest Discount, Average, Default Priority, etc. are not provided but can be added upon request.
Other Features
Some of the other features of the report include the following:
- The ability to print a customer specific catalog with customer pricing
- General catalog using any price list
- Display in color or black and white
- Select what groups to display
- Show or hide product image
There may be more requirements that you have that we can provide easily by expanding on the current catalog report. If you have questions or specific needs please contact us through our report request.